Market Potential

"Revealing the Maya secrets of balancing conservation and cultural prosperity."

What is the future of forest gardening?

Two of the main goals of the EPFGN are sustaining the tropical forest as well as the culture and heritage of the Maya.  In order to do this, however, new goals need to be introduced for the future:

  • Adopting the concept of the forest garden in urban areas
  • Creating innocative approaches to market products
  • Finding new ways of passing on wisdom
  • Making forest gardening an honored skill instead of a peasant tradition
  • Promoting involvement and incorporation of conscious conservation of Maya sites to develop the ecotourism market
  • Introducing marketable prdoucts now produced in the Maya forest such as ramon, guanábana, tamarind, mango, palms, papaya, achiote, xate, chicle, allspice, cacao, and vanilla to new markets, whether they be local, national, or international.

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